Born in Scotland, I studied German Language and Literature at the University of Edinburgh and Theatre Directing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts Ernst Busch, Berlin. I was inspired by the forum theatre of Augusto Boal and his teams by the people for the people in the suburbs and favelas of Rio, Brazil. I went on to direct participatory Theatre- and Storytelling Projects in Germany, Scotland and for several years with the indigenous peoples of Laos, South-East Asia. I established a business in 2013, as a professional storyteller based on the Scottish model, and coach with a specialisation in autobiographical and thematic storytelling. I am also a cultural manager of participatory and intercultural storytelling projects, often involving life music, and manage the Syrian Tarab Band MUSIQANA, which I co-founded with Syrians in exile. Since 2015, I have been the moderator, curator and artistic director of the Storytelling Arena.
I perform my own storytelling programmes in English, German and Lao language with other artists and musicians. Apart from being a fantastic evening's entertainment, our stories link the past, present and future, and make a smooth transition from the local to the global.
I am also the Vice-Chairperson of the "Erzählkunst e.V" - The Art of Storytelling Association, which represents storytellers in Berlin and nationwide in Germany.
Since my early 20s, I have been running interactive arts events involving stories and live music. In 2015, I created the Storytelling Arena with this purpose, where in the space of an evening, first professional storytellers, then audience members tell stories on the theme of the event. We often have musicians as guests, and some evenings spontaneously close with everyone dancing.
Storytelling is the most democratic of all the arts. It is a joy to use it to inspire and empower others.
My story
Stories to inspire and create community
I grew up, surrounded by storytellers in Glasgow, Scotland: the people around me – from my half-Irish, half-Scottish father, my cousin from Chicago, North America, my often tipsy English teacher to the actors in the mobile theatre troupe TAG: they all knew how to tell interesting stories in a warm-hearted and lively way. I can remember how I felt while listening: Their stories hugged me like a warm blanket on a cool night. Like many Scots, I believe in the power of community and the ability of the individual to actively shape it. I learned growing up, that when you use both your head and heart when telling a story, you can create a special connection between people. Listening is also an essential part of a storyteller’s craft – and by listening we gain insight and experience into other peoples’ lives and become better communicators. Storytelling is solidarity in action. My Glasgow roots have also influenced my attitude when coaching: I firmly believe that everyone is special, that everyone has a story worth telling, and the world needs stories – yours, mine and ours!
Life writes the best stories - tell yours.
Bookable Shows
#STORYFIELD - where stories fuse and create new(s)
A dialogue in first person, we and future stories on the topics of our time. Each of the three rounds begins with an impulse story, then the audience tells stories in circles of four. The #STORYFELD ends with collective telling of future stories in groups of four. In the relaxed Open Mic at the end of each round, volunteers from the circles of four share stories with the whole room. With deep insights into the theme of the event. Often as an intercultural dialogue in several languages, with live music, usually from a solo musician. Duration 2,5 hours.
WILD TALES - a storytelling journey round Scotland
True, (auto)biographical stories from the past and the present.
And ancient legends re-told for our times.
With accordion player, Georg Losch.
Bilingual in German and Scottish-English 😉 (with International English translation).
RICE GOD ROCKET – Stories from SE Asia
True and autobiographical stories, and Legends (Palm Leaf Books)
With the singer, Hatphasay Simmavon, in Thai/Lao, German and English.
EVER SEEN GREEN – Storytelling-Theatre on Climate Change
New real-life stories and live music. by 2 Storytellers and 1 musician
Diploma in Theatre Directing
Theory & Practice, The Academy for the Dramatic Arts Ernst Busch, Berlin
MA Degree in German
German language and literature. Subsiduary Subjects - French and Business Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (MA, Hons; 2:1)
Psychodrama Instructor - Psychodrama Forum Berlin (2015)
Trainer of Trainers, TOT, IHK Berlin, AEVO tested and certified (2015)
Trainer of Trainers Intercultural Knowledge (IKAP Thailand / SE Asia, 2007)
Further Training
Forum Theatre (Partizipatory, Thematic), Centro do Teatro Oprimido,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2001), Artistic Director: Augusto BoalGiant & Multi-Sized Puppet Theatre on Global Themes
Bread & Puppet Theatre, Glover, Vermont, United States
Artistic Director, Peter Schumann (Germany), 2001 and 2017